禅修报名 Retreat Application

禅修报名 Retreat Application

**义工报名请前往 For volunteer registration, please visit 义工报名 Volunteer Application

  • 注意:建议使用电脑的浏览器填写。使用手机填写也许会因为浏览器问题无法上载照片。
  • Note: You are advised to use browser on computer to fill in instead of mobile phone to ensure smooth application filling process.

请在您想要来禅修的日期至少一个星期前提交申请。 Please submit your application at least one week before the date you would like to come to the meditation retreat.

为了学习效果,初学者必须申请至少7天。For better learning experience, first-time learner is compulsory to apply at least 7 days.

*如果在网上报名有问题,请发电邮到 retreat.dekl@dhammaearthint.org,注明“禅修报名表格”,我们将回复Ms Word报名表格给您。
*雨安居~ 法域所有比丘,沙弥,尼师们在这段期间入雨安居,不外出並进行密集禅修。 任何一位欲在这段期间来法域禅修的比丘,沙弥或尼师,都受促在入雨前或安居后報到。

If you have problem applying online, please send an email with “Retreat Application Form” in subject field to tusitasupport@gmail.com . We will send you the form in Ms Word file format (.doc).
* VASSA PERIOD – Please be informed that all bhikkhus, sāmaṇeras and nuns at Dhamma Earth observed Vassa and do not travel during Vassa period.  It is advisable that any bhikkhus, sāmaṇeras and nuns should come either before Vassa starts or after Vassa ends. 

法域弟子要学会的美德 The virtues that students of Dhamma Earth should learn:
易受法 Easy to be admonished
易受教 Easy to receive Dhamma teachings
易护持 Easy to be supported

由于技术问题,请使用 Google 或 QQ 邮箱申请。 Due to technical issues, please kindly use Google or QQ email to apply.

请在您想要来禅修的日期至少一个星期前提交申请。 Please submit your application at least one week before the date you would like to come to the meditation retreat.

请勿在被批准前擅自购买机票。Please DO NOT buy flight tickets prior our approval of your application.

寺院缺乏人手,或许会需要帮忙早午餐供养。As monastery lack of manpower, we might need help for meal offerings.

依护照/IC as per Passport/IC

请勿使用 yahoo 或 ymail 电邮地址。 Please not to use yahoo or ymail email address.

Eg: +6010-1234567

中国贤友请务必提供微信号,以方便联络。也可请加法域微信号: dhammaearthsemenyih 。

正面照 Front Portrait Photo

依护照/IC as per Passport/IC

Eg: +6010-1234567

正面照 Front Portrait Photo

阅读以下文件 Read the following documents:
佛法善伙伴: https://dhammaearth.org/dhamma-companion-2/
Dhamma Companion: https://dhammaearth.org/en/dhamma-companion/

请仔细阅读并同意后才打勾。Please read carefully and agree before ticking.

在此我宣告 I hereby declare that