Note: You are advised to use browser on computer to fill in instead of mobile phone to ensure smooth application filling process.
*如果在网上报名有问题,请发电邮到 retreat.dekl@dhammaearthint.org,注明“禅修报名表格”,我们将回复Ms Word报名表格给您。
If you have problem applying online, please send an email with “Retreat Application Form” in subject field to tusitasupport@gmail.com . We will send you the form.
由于技术问题,请使用 Google 或 QQ 邮箱申请。 Due to technical issues, please kindly use Google or QQ email to apply.
法域弟子要学会的美德 The virtues that students of Dhamma Earth should learn:
易受法 Easy to be admonished
易受教 Easy to receive Dhamma teachings
易护持 Easy to be supported